Executive Summary: full IE9 support added, improved "Hide Flash ads", new TPL-based ad blocker released, to replace the address bar with Quero, click on Quero > Options > Appearance, enable "IE navigation bar", disable "IE9 address box".
This toolbar update is a major milestone in the development of Quero, it brings now full support for Internet Explorer 9, includes a new elegant way to block annoying ads in IE9, got a fresh new toolbar design, and integrates even more time savers.
This is a twin release together with Quero AdBlock IE TPL. Read on the blog entry below more about the new Quero ad blocker.
Here is the complete feature list of the Quero Toolbar 6:
- Full IE9 support added (now also supports dragging tabs to another window)
- Fresh new toolbar design (new button design and search engine drop-down list updated)
- IE9: Tabs on top on a separate line
- IE9: Display the page title in IE9's title bar option added
- IE9: Every pixel counts! the new Aero based layout reduces the height of the overall toolbar area by 5 pixels compared to IE9 Beta and Quero Toolbar 5.1
- IE9 Flash Hider (selectively hides Flash ads, allowing embedded video players from YouTube and Vimeo)
- Up one level: quickly navigate one level up by right-clicking on the Quero box (Ctrl+Backspace)
- New text highlighting option: use different colors
- New Keyboard shortcuts: F4 and Ctrl+L to focus the Quero box (in addition to Ctrl+Q), note: Ctrl+L toggles between search and navigation mode, Ctrl+Backspace to go one level up
- Search profiles cleaned up, added profile for China
Thank you for all the feedback encouraging me to continue the project, and I am very glad that I finally found a way to make Quero compatible with IE9 :)